Haskell — Mapping With State

Tom Oram
Published in
8 min readOct 28, 2019


Featured photo by Michelle McEwen on Unsplash.

These days, the functions map, filter and fold/reduce are pretty well known by most programmers. Any pure data manipulation performed in a loop can be re-written with a fold, but it’s not always easy to understand. We use map and filter when we can to make things clearer, and fold is useful when folding a collection down to a single value. However, for more complex loops, most would argue that an imperative loop is easier to understand than trying to wrap up all the state in the accumulator of a fold. In this article, we look at a situation where using fold to map over a collection while maintaining state can be clarified by mapping over a State monad.

The Challenge

The map function lets us transform each element in a list, like this:

newList = map (+1) [1, 2, 3]
-- newList is [2, 3, 4]

But what if we want to do something like this (Javascript):

function addAnIncrementingAmount(numbers) {
let result = [];
let amountToAdd = 0;
for (const number of numbers) {
result.push(number + amountToAdd);
return result;
const newList = addAnIncrementingAmount([1, 2, 3]);
// newList is [1, 3, 5]

Even though the result is a list mapping each element from an element provided in the argument, we are unable to use map because the calculation for each element is dependant on the previous one. Therefore, we have to use foldl instead:

addAnIncrementingAmount :: [Int] -> [Int]
addAnIncrementingAmount numbers =
fst $ foldl addAmount addAmount ([], 0) numbers
addAmount :: ([Int], Int) -> Int -> ([Int], Int)
addAmount (result, amountToAdd) number =
(result ++ [number + amountToAdd], amountToAdd + 1)

While this code is fairly simple (because the example itself is very simple), if we had more stateful values used in the calculation then it would get more complex. Also, the addAmount is trying to do two things at once - i.e. build the resulting list and perform the calculations.

Generalising with a new higher-order function

Let’s start by separating the calculation from the stateful mapping. We can do this by creating a new mapWithState higher-order function.

addAnIncrementingAmount :: [Int] -> [Int]
addAnIncrementingAmount numbers = mapWithState addAmount 0 numbers
mapWithState :: (a -> state -> (b, state)) -> state -> [a] -> [b]
mapWithState f state xs = fst $ foldl f ([], state) xs
addAmount :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
addAmount number amountToAdd = (number + amountToAdd, amountToAdd + 1)

This is a nice separation of concerns. The mapWithState function is concerned with building the resulting list and passing the state through, while the addAmount function is only concerned with our calculation. This is a good start, but it’s not clear in the type of addAmount which argument is the state and which is the element we are mapping - can we do something about that?

The type signature should give us a clue as to what we could try. The fact that it returns a tuple of (result, newState) should make us think about the State monad.

The State Monad

State is available via Control.Monad.State of the mtl1 package. It is defined like this:

newtype State s a = State { runState :: State s a -> s -> a }

And is used like this:

import Control.Monad.State (State, get, modify, put, evalState)performCalculation :: Int -> Int
performCalculation n = evalState statefulCalculation n
statefulCalculation :: State Int Int
statefulCalculation = do
initalValue <- get
put (initialValue + 3)
modify (*2)
newValue <- get
return (newValue - initalValue)

Which would be be the equivilent to this in Javascript:

function performCalculation(initalValue) {
let newValue = initalValue + 3
newValue = newValue * 2
return (newValue - initalValue)

While the example above isn’t particularly beautiful, I hope it provides enough information about using the State monad for our example. One additional point about State (or any other monad) is that its context is maintained through functional calls within the monad. Let’s see that:

import Control.Monad.State (State, get, modify, put, evalState)performCalculation :: Int -> Int
performCalculation n = evalState statefulCalculation n
statefulCalculation :: State Int Int
statefulCalculation = do
initalValue <- get
add 3
multiply 2
newValue <- get
return (newValue - initalValue)
add :: Int -> State Int ()
add amount = modify (+amount)
multiply :: Int -> State Int ()
multiply amount = modify (*amount)

Back to our example

Now we know about the State monad, let’s try re-writing the addAmount function to use it:

addAmount :: Int -> State Int Int
addAmount number = do
amountToAdd <- get
modify (+1)
return (number + amountToAdd)

Now the type tells us something interesting about the function — it takes an Int and returns an Int, but it also maintains some state (also of type Int). But how do we use it?


We know that we want to our addAmount function map over our input list, so what do we get if we try that now?

Prelude Control.Monad.State> :t map addAmount [1, 2, 3]
map addAmount [1, 2, 3] :: [State Int Int]

We’ve individually added each element into a State and ended up with [State Int Int], but that’s not what we need, we want to compute the entire list inside State - i.e. State Int [Int]. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a simple function to convert from what we have into what we want - i.e. [State Int Int] -> State Int [Int].

It turns out that lists implement the typeclass Traversable. If we look at the definition of Traversable then we see this:

class (Functor t, Foldable t) => Traversable (t :: * -> *) where
traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
sequenceA :: Applicative f => t (f a) -> f (t a)
mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
sequence :: Monad m => t (m a) -> m (t a)

If we represent our list with Traversable t and our State monad with Monad m, then the function we after would have the type t (m a) -> m (t a) - that’s exactly the type of sequence in the typeclass above! Let’s try using it:

addAnIncrementingAmount :: [Int] -> [Int]
addAnIncrementingAmount numbers =
evalState (sequence (map addAmount numbers)) 0
addAmount :: Int -> State Int Int
addAmount number amountToAdd number = do
amountToAdd <- get
modify (+1)
return (number + amountToAdd)

This works exactly as expected. In fact, this combination of map and sequence is so useful, that if we look at the type signatures long enough, we see that mapM in Traversable is the composition of these two functions:

mapM :: (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)

Let’s try mapM:

addAnIncrementingAmount :: [Int] -> [Int]
addAnIncrementingAmount numbers =
evalState (mapM addAmount numbers) 0
addAmount :: Int -> State Int Int
addAmount number amountToAdd number = do
amountToAdd <- get
modify (+1)
return (number + amountToAdd)

At this point, I hope that I’ve managed to practically show how State and mapM can be used together without digging too deeply into the details (there’s plenty of excellent resources on this elsewhere 2). However, my example so far is not that useful, let’s look at something a bit more complex.

The Bowling Game Kata

The Bowling Game Kata is a well-know Test-Driven Development exercise where the goal is to calculate the score of a game of ten-pin bowling.

A typical Javascript solution might look something like this:

class Game {
constructor() {
this.rolls = [];
roll(pins) {
score() {
let score = 0;
let framePointer = 0;
for (const frame of Array(10).keys()) {
if (this.isStrike(framePointer)) {
score += this.scoreStrike(framePointer);
framePointer += 1;
} else if (this.isSpare(framePointer)) {
score += this.scoreSpare(framePointer);
framePointer += 2;
} else {
score += this.scoreNormalFrame(framePointer);
framePointer += 2;
return score;
isStrike(framePointer) {
return this.rolls[framePointer] === 10;
isSpare(framePointer) {
return this.rolls[framePointer] + this.rolls[framePointer + 1] === 10;
scoreStrike(framePointer) {
return 10 + this.rolls[framePointer + 1] + this.rolls[framePointer + 2];
scoreSpare(framePointer) {
return 10 + this.rolls[framePointer + 2];
scoreNormalFrame(framePointer) {
return this.rolls[framePointer] + this.rolls[framePointer + 1];

The score function has a for loop in it so this is the bit which will need to be re-written to convert it to Haskell. Let’s start by extracting the scoring of each frame and then add up the results at the end.

score() {
let frameScores = [];
let framePointer = 0;
for (const frame of Array(10).keys()) {
const [frameScore, rollsInFrame] = this.scoreFrame(framePointer);
framePointer += rollsInFrame;
return frameScores.reduce((score, frameScore) => score + frameScore);
scoreFrame(framePointer) {
if (this.isStrike(framePointer)) {
return [this.scoreStrike(framePointer), 1];
} else if (this.isSpare(framePointer)) {
return [this.scoreSpare(framePointer), 2];
} else {
return [this.scoreNormalFrame(framePointer), 2];

Now we’ve extract scoreFrame we can convert it to Haskell by replacing the for loop with a foldl (the implementation below isn’t like for like, but it’s close enough):

score :: [Int] -> Int
score rolls = sum $ fst $ foldl scoreFrame ([], rolls) [1..10]
scoreFrame :: ([Int], [Int]) -> Int -> ([Int], [Int])
scoreFrame state@(frameScores, rolls) _frame
| isStrike rolls = scoreStrike state
| isSpare rolls = scoreSpare state
| otherwise = scoreNormal state
isStrike :: [Int] -> Bool
isStrike rolls = allPins $ scoreRolls 1 rolls
isSpare :: [Int] -> Bool
isSpare rolls = allPins $ scoreRolls 2 rolls
scoreStrike :: ([Int], [Int]) -> ([Int], [Int])
scoreStrike (frameScores, rolls) =
(frameScores ++ [scoreRolls 3 rolls], moveFrame 1 rolls)
scoreSpare :: ([Int], [Int]) -> ([Int], [Int])
scoreSpare (frameScores, rolls) =
(frameScores ++ [scoreRolls 3 rolls], moveFrame 2 rolls)
scoreNormal :: ([Int], [Int]) -> ([Int], [Int])
scoreNormal (frameScores, rolls) =
(frameScores ++ [scoreRolls 2 rolls], moveFrame 2 rolls)
scoreRolls :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
scoreRolls numRolls rolls = sum $ take numRolls rolls
moveFrame :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
moveFrame numRolls rolls = drop numRolls rolls
allPins :: Int -> Bool
allPins = (== 10)

We can see here that there’s a lot of confusing looking type signatures. Although this could be greatly improved by using explicit types rather than Int everywhere, there is still a lot of noise from having to manually thread the state through everywhere.

Refactoring to Use State

Now lets take a look at a version which makes use of State:

import Control.Monad (mapM)
import Control.Monad.State (State, get, put, modify, evalState)
import Control.Conditional (condM, otherwiseM)
score :: [Int] -> Int
score rolls = sum $ evalState (mapM scoreFrame [1..10]) rolls
scoreFrame :: Int -> State [Int] Int
scoreFrame _frame =
condM [ (isStrike, scoreStrike)
, (isSpare, scoreSpare)
, (otherwiseM, scoreNormal)
isStrike :: State [Int] Bool
isStrike = allPins <$> scoreRolls 1
isSpare :: State [Int] Bool
isSpare = allPins <$> scoreRolls 2
scoreStrike :: State [Int] Int
scoreStrike = do
score <- scoreRolls 3
moveFrame 1
return score
scoreSpare :: State [Int] Int
scoreSpare = do
score <- scoreRolls 3
moveFrame 2
return score
scoreNormal :: State [Int] Int
scoreNormal = do
score <- scoreRolls 2
moveFrame 2
return score
scoreRolls :: Int -> State [Int] Int
scoreRolls numRolls = sum . take numRolls <$> get
moveFrame :: Int -> State [Int] ()
moveFrame numRolls = modify (drop numRolls)
allPins :: Int -> Bool
allPins = (== 10)

While there are a few bits in this version which require some understanding, it does remove a lot of the clutter from the previous version. It also makes a clear separation between the state and the frame number itself (which incidentally is never actually used).

Final Worlds

I don’t claim that using mapM instead of foldl is always clearer, and I don’t claim that either of the implementations of the Bowling Game scoring exercise above is the best way to solve this in Haskell, but I do hope you have enjoyed this article and perhaps learned something new along the way.

