What is Event Sourcing?

Tom Oram
Published in
8 min readFeb 20, 2020


Image credit: geralt via Pixabay.

In this article, I want to give a basic introduction to what Event Sourcing is, and share some thoughts from the community about deciding if it’s right for your project.

I’ve had a keen interest in event sourcing for several years, however, in the last two years I was not actively following the community. In that time I’ve seen some posts and articles popping up on social media with tales of event sourcing, but not in the way that I understood it. Often it would seem that I was reading about Event Driven Architectures with a Kafka log stored somewhere.

I felt like I had fallen behind the times and that maybe Event Sourcing had evolved. When DDD Europe 2020 announced that they were going to hold a one day, pre-conference conference on Event Sourcing, I jumped at the chance to get back up to speed. After attending this event (and the fabulous DDD Europe main conference) I was happy to learn that Event Sourcing is still what I knew it to be. More importantly, I also learned some valuable lessons from the advice and experience shared in the talks.

What Event Sourcing is

In the opening keynote at the event sourcing conference, Udi Dahan said:

Event sourcing refers to a collection of patterns based on persisting the full history of a domain as a sequence of “events”, rather than persisting just the current state.

Storing Events

With event sourcing, we store a record of any event that changes the state, rather than the resulting state after the event occurred. Events are stored as immutable pieces of data that record what event happened, along with any data that is relevant to that event. Events are immutable because they represent something that has already happened (you cannot change the past). As such, they are named as actions in the past tense, e.g. OrderPlaced, PaymentTaken, OrderShipped.

Events are stored in streams, with a stream of events representing the entire history of a particular entity (or Aggregate in DDD terminology). These event streams are the source of truth for the state of the aggregate.

Once actions have been performed on the aggregate, we need to be able to get the events out to persist them in the event store.

As an example, I’m going to use an Order aggregate from an e-commerce system. You can create an order, add items to it, and then place it. Below you can see the public methods which perform these actions. In addition, there is also retrieveNewEvents()which will return all new events that have been generated since the object instance was constructed. These events can then be persisted to the event store.

public class Order {
public static Order create(OrderID orderID) {
// Create a new Order (generates OrderCreated)

public void addItem(ItemCode item) {
// Add an item to the order (generates ItemAdded)

public void place() {
// Place the order (generates OrderPlaced)

public List<OrderEvent> retrieveNewEvents() {
// Return all new events have have been generated

// ...

Replaying an Event Stream

To load an event sourced aggregate’s state into memory, the stored events need to be replayed in order. To be able to do this, we need need to have another constructors for the aggregate which takes the stream of events

public class Order {
public static Order fromEventStream(ArrayList<OrderEvent> {
// Create new Order and replay events to get the state

// ...

We now have two constructors:

  1. create() creates a brand new order and adds an initial OrderCreated event to the list of new events.
  2. fromEventStream() builds the current state from a stream of events. It also initialises the list of new events to an empty list.

Let’s now take a look at a simplistic way that we might implement this. It is possible to refactor this code into a better state, but I want to keep it as simple as possible to highlight the key concepts.

To start with, let’s look at the state in the Order class:

private ArrayList<OrderEvent> newEvents = new ArrayList<>();

private OrderID id;
private HashMap<ItemCode, Quantity> lines = new HashMap<>();
private boolean placed = false;

id, lines and placed are the current state of the aggregate, while newEvents is used to keep a track of events as they occur.

Let’s now see that how the create() constructor works:

public static Order create(OrderID orderID) {
var orderCreated = new OrderCreated(orderID);
var events = Collections.singletonList(orderCreated);
var order = Order.fromEventStream(new ArrayList<>(events));
return order;

The code above creates a new stream, containing a single OrderCreated event, and then creates the Order from that stream. This shows that actually fromEventStream() is the important constructor. The only other thing that create() does is save the event to newEvents.

Now let’s look at fromEventStream():

public static Order fromEventStream(ArrayList<OrderEvent> events) {
return new Order(events);

private Order(ArrayList<OrderEvent> events) {
if (events.size() == 0) {
throw new EmptyEventStream();

if (!(events.get(0) instanceof OrderCreated)) {
throw new InvalidEvent(
"The first event must be OrderCreated"

for (OrderEvent event : events) {

We see that fromEventStream() just delegates through to a private constructor. The private constructor does a few checks on the event stream and then iterates over it, calling applyEvent() with each event.

applyEvent() is a private method that takes all event types and mutates the state accordingly. Here I have implemented it with an overloaded method and a nasty switch statement to check the event type. There are better ways to do this but it keeps the example simple:

private void applyEvent(OrderEvent event) {
if (event instanceof OrderCreated) {
applyEvent((OrderCreated) event);
} else if (event instanceof ItemAdded) {
applyEvent((ItemAdded) event);
} else if (event instanceof OrderPlaced) {
applyEvent((OrderPlaced) event);

private void applyEvent(OrderCreated event) {
id = event.id;

private void applyEvent(ItemAdded event) {
if (placed) {
throw new OrderHasAlreadyBeenPlaced(id);

var quantity = lines.containsKey(event.itemCode)
? lines.get(event.itemCode).increment()
: Quantity.of(1);

lines.put(event.itemCode, quantity);

private void applyEvent(OrderPlaced event) {
if (placed) {
throw new OrderHasAlreadyBeenPlaced(id);

if (lines.isEmpty()) {
throw new OrderHasNoItems(id);

placed = true;

We have now seen how our event sourced aggregate’s state can be created from a stream of events. The final piece of the puzzle is how we create new events. With all the internal event driven infrastructure in place, this is very easy:

public void addItem(ItemCode item) {
OrderEvent event = new ItemAdded(item);

public void place() {
OrderEvent event = new OrderPlaced();

Now we have the complete example, I hope that it’s clear what event sourcing is. This example has been highly trivialised though, the core concepts are clear but event sourcing brings a lot of new complexity; for example:

  • How do you deal with conflicts when you try and save new events but someone else has saved some new ones before you?
  • How do you version events? Since they are immutable, the old versions still need to be understood by the system.
  • What about performance when you have large event streams?
  • How do you delete sensitive data from the history (e.g. comply with GDPR)?

The answers to these questions are beyond this scope of this article, but it’s important to know that the simple concept of event sourcing brings a lot of new challenges.

You can find the complete code for the example here.

When to use Event Sourcing

Now that we know what event sourcing is, when should we use it?

Interestingly, a fairly consistent message at the talks in the conference was a strong warning against event sourcing all the things. Once you start thinking in domain events it seems like everything should be event sourced because it maps to the way we experience reality. However, the complexities of implementing this powerful technique make it a trade-off that should be carefully considered.

First and foremost, you should consider what event sourcing gives you:

  • A full audit log (also useful for understanding and debugging issues)
  • The ability to restore the system to any point in history
  • The ability to gather information retrospectively
  • Decoupling the state from what happened

These all sound great, but the question is - does the value event sourcing brings to your solution outweigh the challenges to implement it?

In addition to this, Udi also gave some guidance on where it’s appropriate to use event sourcing in his keynote. Firstly he defined event sourcing as “a collection of patterns based on persisting the full history of a domain”. He then talked about how event sourcing should be applied to just small, appropriate domains within your organisation. He used the following advice from the definition of a domain model in Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture to suggest how you might identify somewhere where implementing event sourcing might make sense:

“Use where you have complicated and ever-changing business rules.”

One other piece of guidance that Udi gave was, that event sourcing can be a good fit if you have a bi-temporal domain — that is, “something happened, and, it is valid until…

Event Source vs Event Driven Architecture

One common theme of the talks during the conference were people sharing the lessons they’d learned and the mistakes that were made along the way. Amongst this advice, there were some common themes.

The most common theme that I noticed throughout the talks was that often people confuse event sourcing with Event Driven Architectures. That is to say that the events were viewed as a means of communication between services. Event sourcing and Event Driven Architectures can be used together, but they are not the same thing.

The big problem with merging the two concepts comes when you start publishing your internal event sourced events as public messages to be consumed by other services. Doing so couples the internal domain to the external messaging. You may indeed want to store an OrderPlaced event and publish one to a message bus for other services to consume, but different information might need to be in these data structures. For example, the internal event stored event does not need to include many details because they are already in the event history. However, the OrderPlaced message might be the first public message to be published about this order and should contain all the relevant details (i.e. order ID, order line details, etc.)

In Conclusion

Having a dedicated event sourcing conference is a great sign that event sourcing is something you should know about. One thing that appeared on a few slides during the conference was the Gartner Hype Cycle graph, with a suggestion that many people are somewhere between the Peak of Inflated Expectations and the Trough of Disillusionment. Meanwhile, the community leaders are guiding us to the Plateau of Productivity.

Gartner hypecycle graph.
Source: gartner.com

I hope this article has served as a useful and digestible introduction.


